Magnificent Moggies Clinic

Providing the best feline care for our older patients

Lime Trees Vets has always strived to provide the best possible care to its feline patients. Therefore, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new wellness clinic called The Magnificent Moggies Clinic.

As cats get older they become prone to developing conditions such as high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, diabetes and osteoarthritis. A recent study showed that 40% of cats over the age of 7 had high blood pressure. Also, 20-50% of cats over the age of 15 year had chronic kidney disease.

Often the signs of some of these conditions are subtle and can go unnoticed until the disease is much more advanced. The aim of our Magnificent Moggies Clinic is to detect these conditions much earlier in our older cats so that we can implement monitoring and treatment earlier to ensure your feline friend can live a long and healthy life.

Is my cat eligible for the Magnificent Moggies Clinic?

The Magnificent Moggies Clinic is available for any cat over the age of 7 years old. The clinic is also available for any cat that has already been diagnosed with high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, diabetes or osteoarthritis.

However, if you cat already has one or more of these conditions then it might be that we need to tailor your initial Magnificent Moggies appointment to your cats specific needs. If your cat already has one of these conditions but you are interested in the clinic then please call our Head Cat Vet Jodie Tanner who will discuss with you how we could tailor the appointment to your cat.

What does the Magnificent Moggies Clinic Involve?

At your initial appointment you will be greeted by one of our nurses who have a specialist interest in cats and have been trained in cat friendly handling. They will spend around 40 minutes with you to discuss in depth your cats current lifestyles and behaviours. Whilst you and your veterinary nurse are discussing your feline friend your cat will have the opportunity to explore our newly designed cat friendly consult rooms at their leisure. They can take their time to explore our new cat perches, hides and toys. Once your cat has become acclimatised to the practice our nurse will take your cats blood pressure, collect a blood and urine sample and weigh your cat.

The samples collected will enable us to perform a screening test on the following things;

  • Blood pressure
  • Kidney function
  • Thyroid
  • Blood and urine glucose
  • Heart
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Anaemia
  • Inflammatory levels

The tests will be performed whilst you wait. You will then have a consultation with one of our cat vets who will perform a full examination on your cat and analyse the test results along with the information gathered from your consultation with your nurse. Then together with your vet we will then formulate a further plan regarding the care of your feline friend. This may involve some life style adaptations, medications or a plan for further monitoring in the future.

At your initial appointment you will also receive our exclusive ‘Magnificent Moggies Monitoring Booklet’. This will enable you to keep tract of your cat’s results, record any medication changes, record any changes in your cat’s health or behaviour and record the plans and date of your next appointment.

What happens after my initial appointment?

If all the results from your initial appointment were normal then your vet may recommend that we repeat these tests in 6-12 months time.

If your cat was diagnosed with a condition then your vet may recommend medication, diet or life style changes. They will also create a tailored monitoring plan for your cats care.

What does it cost?

Everything included in the initial appointment would normally cost £600. However we would like to offer all of above for just £123. This includes an extended nurse and vet consultation, blood pressure measurement, blood screening test for all the diseases mentioned above and a urine test.

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